Saturday, July 2, 2011

crap steaks

I've written about wallowing self pity before (I think) but let me elaborate on the topic...mostly b/c I'm running out of topics. :P

Life is often what you make of it. Everyone has ups and downs in their lives, but are you going to be ruled by the badness in your life or are you going to overcome it, learn from it, and get stronger? Or as I told a friend, "everyone has crap in their life, now are you going to let the crap rule you? or are you going to make steaks out of it?"

Wallowing gets you a couple of things, makes your friends and family want to smack you repeatedly, a reputation for being a downer, stagnates you in a a neverending mire of self pity and doesn't actually fix anything.

Now the making steaks method means that you'll be thinking critically about the situation, trying to resolve issues as much as possible, and trying to reduce the occurrence in the future. Even if you can't fix it, you have mentally prepared yourself for that situation so when it happens again, you won't be so jacked up about it.

In project management this is like the risk assessment section. There are four ways to deal with risk:
Avoidance (eliminate, withdraw from or not become involved)
Reduction (optimize - mitigate)
Sharing (transfer - outsource or insure)
Retention (accept and budget)

You can use these in real life. You try to avoid problems, reduce their effect, get help when you need it, and lastly accept what's left. Whinging about your problems is certainly not part of risk assessment. I'm not opposed to a good gripe (and I've certainly participated in my fair share) but what happens after that is what is important. Are you going to continue griping or are you going to avoid, reduce, share, or accept the problem?

Here's a geekified example. You're in a gaming group with a troll. Not a literal goat-eating bridge-guarding troll but the kind of troll that likes to disrupt the group, make rude comments, argue with the gm etc. What do you do? Keep complaining about how sucky the guy is with the rest of your group when he's not around? (I'm saying he b/c I'd say that MOST gamers are guys, therefore MOST trolls would be guys too) Yeah, you could do that, but that doesn't actually solve anything.
To use risk assessment solutions you can:
Avoidance (eliminate, withdraw from or not become involved): quit the group yourself or disinvite him.
Reduction (optimize - mitigate): talk to him about his suckass behavior and hope he changes.
Sharing (transfer - outsource or insure): Get him to join another group at the same time that doesn't have a problem with his behavior or bring someone in who can run interference.
Retention (accept and budget): let him stay and just know that he's a troll.

So ok, there is is. Making steak from poop or lemonade from lemons. It's all about using your prodigous nerd brains to make the best of a craptacular situation. And I'm only going to partially apologize for taking a super "male" perspective on trying to fix problems instead of the "female" perspective of empathizing with them. I've seen what empathy gets you, more crap, so yeah, fix the damn problems.