Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Follow up to OkCupid's Lame-ness

Last week I posted about OkCupid and their new system of only matching you with people in your hotness zone, either you're hotter than average and will get matched with the same or you're below average etc. (What do average people do??)

I didn't have time to elaborate further so I'm using this week to talk about "attractiveness" and its ramifications in geek dating.

Nerds sometimes have interesting definitions of attractiveness. A lot of guys I know will like an actress more b/c she kicks a lot of butt on a tv show even though she might not be classically pretty (example Starbuck on BSG or Cameron on Sarah Conner Chronicles). I've also heard a lot of geeks who like "cute". Not to say geeks don't like normal "hot" celebrities like Megan Fox (ugh, bleh!) or anything but I'm just saying, people who aren't teenage boys can also find other qualities that make someone attractive. Those cannot be rated by a photo.

Ok, enough ranting about how geeks are weird. :) Ok, actual info that could be useful to someone out there somewhere.

Now we know that attractive is subjective and that people will find different things attractive. A person can be considered more attractive b/c of their awesome personality, style, confidence, or sense of humor. These other things attract their brain and not just organs down below.

Also, don't get too hung up on someone else's looks. You probably shouldn't be repulsed by someone you're trying to date but being all weirded out b/c they've got crooked teeth or kinda bad skin is pretty shallow and honestly, no one is perfect, all have flaws, either internal, external, or mental. And remember, beauty fades but bitchiness lasts forever.

Here's a couple of ideas on how to improve your "attractiveness":

  • Improved grooming - yes this is a physical thing but really no one likes stinky.
  • Find a style that works for you - you don't have to look like an abercrombie and finch model or anything but find a style that suits your personality and bodyshape and rock it. If you have no idea how to dress, find a friend who dresses like how you'd like to look and have them help you shop.
  • Confidence - confidence goes a long way in making someone attractive. This is a hard one for us geeks but it's important to remember that you're a cool person too and they should appreciate you. Do some daily affirmations or something if you need it. :)
  • Work on social skills - a geek with social skills is a find indeed. Be one of those finds--practice your social skills!

And then f*ck OkCupid and their click based attractiveness rating. If we wanted to be judged, we'd be trying to join the elitist Beautiful People dating website. Be yourself, be confident, and be happy b/c that's real attractiveness.


isayx3 said...

I agree except this "•Find a style that works for you"

The problem with nerds..ok really most guys...they do not know what style works for them. They might think they do....but it really doesnt :)

geekgirl said...

And that's what friends are for. :D To help you shop and tell you that skinny jeans look really bad on you.