Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Vicky Mendoza diagonal

I may have written this before but it's been a while so tough noogies.  :D

This is a very stolen yet super relavent idea from HIMYM, the Vicky Mendoza diagonal.  All apologies to people actually named Vicky Mendoza.  

First let me give you the gist of the vicky mendoza diagonal.  Essentially it means that the crazier you are, the more hot you have to be to be worth dating.  Therefore hot girls can get away with a lot of craziness and not so hot girls will have to have good personalities. Is this totally bitchy and unfair?  Yes, but guys are visual (and oftentimes shallow) creatures and so it does have some truth to it. 

How is this related to dating?  Well the advice to the geek guy is this, yes, you want hot...oftentimes they come with crazy as well and you're probably willing to put up with it.  But here's the kicker, if you stay together long term, she's going to become less hot over time and will probably stay the same amount of crazy if not become more crazy.  So she would fall dramatic below the diagonal into the no fly zone.  And no plastic surgery won't help, b/c then she'll end up looking like Heidi Montag and yeah that's not hot at all. 

Long story short, don't date crazy, b/c looks fade, but crazy remains forever. 

PS- This is goes for good looking yet bastardish guys, if they're a jerk, now, do you really think they're going to get better over time?  You can't change them!!  Your love will not cure them!