Tuesday, June 26, 2007

library thing

i thought i already had an account with library thing. but anyhow, i made a new one and i added all the books i had from only two authors, shannon hale and diana wynne jones. i'm tempted to add more but i shouldn't neglect my dog any longer. i don't like how you can't organise alphabetically...as far as i can tell anyhow. nevermind...yes you can organize by author, in list form, click author and then go to cover form.

Shirley's books

man they say you don't need to know MARC in order to catalog but i like cataloging! typing in an isbn is too easy...

generated images version 2.0

b/c my old generated image went kaput, i have created a new one. i <3 stephen colbert.

adding images to a blog

in case people need help, I'll put up easy directions.
basically you want to type this
img src ="file location of the thing you want to show, usually ends with a .jpg or .bmp or something like that"
except you need to surround it with < and >. i'd do an example but then it thinks i'm trying to really add a picture and not just typing text.
you can always look at my View/Page source and see the code too. or you can ask me.

mashing my dog

it's sooooo true.

Monday, June 18, 2007


at first i was tricked b/c i went to flicker, not flickr and it was some weird page. i've used flickr a little bit when i was looking for pictures of card catalogs for a project for the library. at that time, most of the pictures were very artsy, too artsy for our purposes, but i've just created an account on flickr and put up a picture of me dog, mal. i think i'm going to put all my pictures of mal up on flickr b/c the company i'm using currently (snapfish) wants me to buy something in order to keep my account active and i'm sooo not into that. so, dude, free picture hosting! w00t!

i find that searching tags and such work out pretty well.

I <3 IGs!

look how pretty this one is!

I think this is a mighty fine looking dog. Almost as fine as mine. :)

Mal is so obviously not a pure bred italian greyhound.

Monday, June 11, 2007

welcome to me blog!

how exciting, another blog to post in! woot!

isn't this a pretty blog?

So far, the SFP has been ok. I am highly looking forward to pizza tomorrow and I'm having fun working with my teammates. (perhaps in this order...I do love food.) I can't wait til we get to play with more things--if I have time, I plan on playing with my bloglines account more and add some more feeds to it. And even though I've very attached to my LiveJournal account, this blogger account is much prettier... (tempted to switch).