Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Social Tips for Geeks (Part 1)

Social tips for Geeks

This is a very interesting blog that a friend of mine sent me on social tips for geeks. I read it and I do agree with some of the points but I found some of it condescending and so I wanted to put my own spin on the topic. I’m going to use his tips and then add my own comments after them. Read his blog for his version.

This is some guidelines if you’ve been invited to a social event where most of the people there will be non-geeks and they don’t already know you. This could be a family event or work event etc.

1. Recognize that people will know you are a geek from the moment they meet you

This is often true. If you’ve been invited by a significant other, they may have heard information about you already and your WoW addiction has already been revealed. However, even if they have not heard anything about you, by your somewhat awkward wallflower positioning, they can probably tell you’re a geek (and that’s ok!).

2. Don't try to change people's preconceived notions of geeks

I agree with this too. Just like old people who try to be hip with the teenagers, it doesn’t work. If they think geeks are already cool, then you can chill, but if they seem like they aren’t very familiar with geek culture, don’t try to introduce them to it. I know from experience that explaining to someone’s grandparents what D&D is and that it’s not evil doesn’t work and just makes you seem weirder. Be happy being yourself and if they aren’t cool with geek culture, that’s their loss but don’t shove it down their throats.

3. Don't get too comfortable and start being yourself

Here’s where I think the author goes off a bit. I think it’s important to not get crazy excited about explaining vast details about your half dragon bard to your boss, but you shouldn’t have to not be yourself. Or rather, don’t be someone you’re not. I know that sounds really confusing though.

4. Try to talk as little as possible, and when you do speak, only ask superficial questions

I think there you should instead of not talking, try to talk normally about things that are more common topics. Big tentpole movies are enjoyed by non-geeks as well and so if you saw one or are going to see one, that’s probably an ok subject to broach as long as you don’t squid out on the topic. I know we geeks get enthused about certain subjects but it can seem really odd to others, so yeah, don’t act like an excited chipmunk.

5. But don't ask questions about things that normal people should know

This assumes that all geeks have no contact with the outside world and on a certain level, sometimes we don’t know which rehab Lindsay Lohan happens to be in, but I’m going to give you guys more credit than that.

6-12 tomorrow!!!

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