Thursday, April 22, 2010

Interparty Dating

I guess that sounds like a pretty risque title. Really it just means, when you dating within your gaming groups. This is something that does happen from time to time, especially if your group happens to be a mixed gender group. I think back 15 years ago, there were fewer female gamers and so it was probably less common but now as more (but still not a lot) of women are playing RPGs and CCGs and other kinds of gaming things, there will be of course more opportunities for dating within your gaming group.

I think before you start hitting on the new girl who just joined your group you should think of a couple things. Make sure she's single first. Nerd girls don't come along often so it's possible she's already in a relationship even if it's not someone in the group. Make sure she's interested in dating anybody, b/c again, she's probably had opportunity to date maybe she's single by intent. Make sure she's interested in your gender. I mean, no point in barking up the other side of the tree.

If these sorts of criteria are met, then you should probably hash it out with other group members if anyone else has designs on her, b/c the worst thing is to have multiple nerdy guys hitting on a single girl. Really, it's scary to be the recipient of all that nerdy attention. It could be so horrifying that you basically drive her from the group.

Next think about how dating someone in your group might effect the game. Are your characters going to then date? If one of you is the GM, make sure you work on not playing favorites b/c yeah maybe your S.O. might appreciate it, but the rest of your players won't and they'll take it out on you one way or another. Have you ever been the victim of a dicing (think stoning but with dice?) it's not fun. Try not to dominate the game. Don't always side with your S.O. in the game b/c you're worried they'll get mad at you outside of the game.

If your characters are dating in game too (which I think is just weird frankly) don't get all graphic and like ROLE PLAY b/c yeah, no one wants to see/hear/experience recreations of two nerds getting it on. (Or maybe there's an entire untapped market...? hmm...)

And then what happens if you break up? Especially if it's a messy break up. Like with friends, does one of you have to quit the group? Probably whoever is the newer person... unless the newer member is like a way better player than the older member, in which case, keep the better gamer. :) But just like dating a coworker or dating a friend, there is likely to be some extra complications if things work out b/c you're still going to have to see each other in the group.

I generally recommend avoiding interparty dating b/c of the possible complications but then again, being able to share a great hobby like gaming with your S.O. is amazing. And then you don't have to deal with phone calls in the middle of the game asking how much longer you're going to be.

(I tried to include a picture of a gamer girl but google images came up with a bunch of like not so work safe pix... T_T )

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