Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Honeymoon

I refer not to the ancient tradition of going off to the moon and enjoying honey (oh that's from a xanth book) but of the lovey dovey period right when you start seeing someone.

It's very normal when you meet someone to want to spend every waking moment together (assuming you like them). You'll text each other constantly, be giving each other PDAs which will make your friends nauseous but is actually very cute but still vomit inducing, and say things like, "I miss you," "No, I miss you more." This is also the time when you're discovering new things about each other and it's very natural for people to remember the commonalities (we both love Capt. Picard!) and gloss over important details like, (we don't actually speak the same language!) There is some debate (I'm completely making this statistic up) but this period generally lasts from 6 months to a year.

After the honeymoon period is over, you'll be less inclined to be googly eyes over each other but this is not necessarily a problem. If your relationship did not have the most solid ground then there may be difficulties as the hormones wear off and you actually experience the other person without the rose colored glasses. So what if you both love Monty Python...she leaves her dirty dishes everywhere! He farts constantly! If you don't have something beyond the initial flush of attraction, the relationship may crumble. That means it's important to have developed a foundation beyond "dude, you're hot..."

Next week, how to keep the romance alive. (oh geez, I'm like the world's least romantic person and I've going to give advice on this?! o_O)

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