Thursday, February 18, 2010


Sorry about the post delay. I should probably write these ahead of time..but I won’t, so whatevs. :P

Today’s posting is going to be about compliments. I think this is somewhat related to pick up lines but compliments could occur at any moment, not just when you’re meeting someone for the first time.

The thing to remember about complimenting a women is that we can be fickle creatures. We want you to think we’re pretty but if you compliment us too often you dilute the quality of it. It’s like, you say it all the time, it must not mean as much. Especially if you compliment us when we’re in a bad mood then we might think you’re saying it just to placate us, b/c I know I don’t feel pretty when I’m sick and my nose is running and I’m wearing baggy tshirts and sweats. It’s just like in the movies, when saying “you’re pretty” or “I love you” in the middle of an argument is not going to help your case anyhow..

Another thing to remember is that we do want to be complimented if we’ve put an effort into the way we look that day. What this also shows us is that you’re paying attention. So if we get a haircut, point it out and say it’s cute. If we’re wearing a pretty shirt we just got, say it’s a pretty shirt, etc etc. But again, even if you think we’re cute in sweats and with our hair in a ponytail, if you say it everyday, it loses some of its specialness.

Those are two things to remember for if you’re actually in a relationship—if you’re not in a relationship, compliments can be a deathtrap. Be careful of complimenting a coworker, due to fears of sexual harassment claims. I think that if you’re not the best with the social skills, avoid compliments b/c you might not be able to read the signals that the other person is uncomfortable with them.

If you’re trying to meet people, I think compliments fit into the pick up line category and I don’t think they’re very effective. Because you don’t know the other person at all so all you can really base things on are looks, and while some girls might like that, telling another girl that her “ass is smoking” (not the literally on fire kind of smoking) won’t get you very far with any girl of quality. But if you want to go with the compliment a thing that’s probably better… like in one of my previous posts, I put up an article that said a safer conversation starter is one where you talk about something external. So if you’re in a bookstore and you see someone who looks interesting and they’re holding a book you like, mention you can talk about that.

So yes, do provide compliments, but make sure they are sincere and non-creepifying.


Bianca James said...

Disagree! I love to be showered in compliments every day :D

geekgirl said...

Hee hee! :)
I do too, but secretly.