Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Don’t Worry Geek Girls…

I don’t have a lot of female friends but the ones I do have tend to be geeks…basically b/c I have a hard time socializing with “normal” women. Anyhow, I think that we geek girls can occasionally be stuck by irrational fears that we’ll die alone surrounded by cats (or in my case dogs who will promptly gnaw all the flesh from my bones but I digress) b/c no men in their right minds will want us.

Well my response is, don’t worry b/c if you’re a geek girl, you have a whole subsect of society that would love to date you…and that is the geek guy. I explored in a previous article whether you should stick with geeks and I’m pretty firmly in the, ”yes, date other geeks” camp. I’ve had a lot of conversations with my geek guy friends and they seem to want to date other girls who understand what they mean when they talk about roleplaying and we don’t mean dressing up as French maids and schoolboys but hey if you do, whatever, I’m not judging.

If you think about it, there are a lot more guys into geek activities than girls, again I don’t know the percentages but think about it antidotally it will all make sense, so basically ladies, the odds are in your favor.

I think our challenge can be letting guys know that you want to date, since most geek guys don’t read social cues very well, they may think that you just want to be friends. If you like a guy and he’s single, why wait for him to ask you out, ask him out! It’s the 21st century!

Sometimes we think we’re too weird for guys…this is not true. Again, having talked to my guy friends, sometimes they think some of our weirdest habits are cute and quirky. So yeah, weird is not really a turn off for these men. However, I’ll add that crazy is probably not the same as weird. I think also being confident in who you are is important. I don’t think being a closet Star Trek fan is as good as being out and proud about it, at least to a nerd boy (although maybe for the rest of society it’s probably different). But confidence is a trait that I think many people can appreciate, b/c no one wants to hang out with someone all wracked with guilt and shame.

So in conclusion, there’s a market out for you geek girls so just be open to a geeky boy, embrace your nerd self, and I think you’ll definitely find someone special (and I don’t mean short bus special). :D

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