Friday, March 5, 2010


If you've ever seen Big Bang Theory (and if you haven't shame on you, what kind of nerd are you? Hang your head in shame!) we all know that those four guys have a very set routine. Wednesday is Halo Night, Friday night is classic video game night, etc etc. They always get the same foods when they go out and eat. (Hey, how can Wednesday night be Halo Night if it's new comic book release day?!) This is an example of how nerds in general like routines, or rather, I like routine. I'm not saying that we're robots, although some might aspire to be, I'm saying we have our hobbies and we know what we like to do and we tend to stick with those things.

In dating this can be both a blessing and a curse. If you are dating a fellow nerd, it's easy to create a routine of dvds and video games and reading and that's great b/c it's good that you can share in your hobbies, however, many dating articles say it's important to not fall into a rut when you're in a relationship. B/c complacency can create problems. It's important to continually work on improving yourself and your relationship (in whatever way that you deem needing of improving).

So in Big Bang Theory they set up Anything Can Happen Thursday which was one night a month where they were free to be spontaneous. I probably wouldn't recommend scheduling your spontaneity, but the theory is sound. Occasionally do something that you wouldn't ordinarily do, like take a walk at the beach (except me b/c I hate the beach) or visit a new museum or visit a friend you haven't seen in a while (which is good b/c you'll get to practice socializing). Variety is the spice of nerd life. If you want to be really spreading yourself out, take a dance class together, go karaoke singing, take a weekend trip up the coast. If you want to stay in, make a fancy dinner together with like actual napkins and maybe candles!

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with Chuck night with your friends, but leave yourself open to doing something different every once in a while.

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