Thursday, July 29, 2010

Effective Communication (aka, don't be a spaz)

Another trademark of geekism is the general lack of ability to interact with people and especially people you might be attracted to--unless they're online and then for some reason geeks can talk. Weird. Anyhow, so here's some tips on more effective male to female communication.

Treat women like people. Sometimes guy geeks have no problems talking to their buddies and then when a girl walks in the room, it's like silence...girls are people too. It's ok to talk around them, it's ok to talk to them.

Don't be a spaz when you talk to them. This is easier said that done, as spazziness has probably effected us all, especially if the other person is cute. Just try not to get to excited or jittery and that should help with the shakes. Probably some practice might be nice, so if see if you have any friends that know girls that you can practice with. Hopefully ones that you aren't interested in and are relatively normal.

To avoid the "Friend Zone" (see previous post regarding the dangers) don't treat them like one of the guys. Don't fart, burp, scratch your ass, or say really crude and sexist things around them. I'm not saying that girls are made of glass and need to be protected, I'm just saying that if you treat them like one of the guys, they aren't going to necessarily see you as future dating material.

Expanding on the friend zone idea, also don't be a jerk in general.

Don't be sleazy when you talking to women. Think of Howard from Big Bang Theory, normal women don't like him b/c he's slimey. We don't want slimey men. I

When you're talking to women, it's not dumbing it down, it's that you should talk about things they know. So if they know video games talk video games, if they're a Star Wars fan talk Boba Fett but if they start getting a glazed look in the eye from your treatise on how the replicants are a huge analogy for slavery (DUH!) then move on! But if she don't know about the topic but seems genuinely interested then go ahead and tell her about it, b/c maybe you'll convert her! :)

Here's an important point, just b/c you talk to a girl semi-regularly, or even regularly does not mean you are dating. It does not mean that she likes you in a potential boyfriend way. She might like you, but talking does not equal liking.

So here's to using more effective communication techniques in the future! Huzzah!

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