Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Friend Zone

Related to the "I'm going to pretend to be your friend but I really want to date you thing" is the Friend Zone. A lot of geek guys get shut out b/c they are automatically placed into the friend zone, which is the piece of the brain where the girl can only ever think of you as a friend or worse, as family.

So while it's bad for guys to pretend to be friends b/c it's deceitful, it's bad for guys to do it b/c that girl has probably already decided that she doesn't think of you in that way and to date you would just be "wrong".

How do you know you're in the friend zone?
*She tells you about the other guys she's interested in and/or dating.
*She says she loves you or cares about you like a brother.
*She tries to set you up with other girls she knows.
*She invites you to hang out with all of her other girlfriends.
Is this you? Then you're stuck in the friend zone.

There isn't a great way to escape from it. Jumping from friend zone to boyfriend territory is a dangerous proposition b/c oftentimes the girl will get freaked out and will just start avoiding you in general. It's just really awkward.

I think the best technique is to just not get boxed in as a friend. I mean be friendly but don't become "one of the girls" b/c that's probably not going to lead to dating.

If you're in the friend zone and want to escape without falling into the pit of doom...huh, I don't have good advice for this. I think date other people if you can, don't wait around for them to fall in love with you b/c they might realise that you're awesome but they also might never realise it. And you don't want to waste your time for something that might never happen. Be the supportive, cool friend you are, but don't do girly things with them like make up shopping b/c that reaffirms the friend zone, non-sexual thing. But maybe make the best of it and just have an awesome friendship. The super authoritative wikipedia cites a statistic from Cosmo that says 71% of women want to fall in love with a friend... but you know, I think they're thinking of an idealized friend like in My Best Friends Wedding or like a Ross/Rachel situation. I wouldn't count on it.

For more information, look up ladder theory.

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