Saturday, September 25, 2010

How NOT to Impress the Ladies

This is going to be a list of things that have either been said to me or to friends of mine. They aren't good conversation starters...but are a great way to kill one.

Seriously, I'm not making this crap up. So yeah I know this puts a lot of pressure on you guys to come up with something clever, but offensive is not the same thing as clever.

These are from actual situations:

  • I don't want you to think I'm being a dirty old man but do you want to want to get coffee and talk? (He was easily 25-30 years older than me.)

  • Are you married/Do you have a boyfriend? (as a conversation starter.)

  • What are you? (when they mean, what's your ethnicity?)

  • What's wrong with ___ (fill in with body part)?

  • Mention masturbating special ed kids.

  • *stares awkwardly* Do you really play D&D? Noo...nooooo, no way!

  • Hey, you have boobs!

  • Your butt looks hawt in those pants.

  • Can I see your underwear? (While dressed I was a teenaged anime character.)

  • And the even more offensive than the previous ones, "I want to violate you," which was said to another librarian, not someone I know personally, but horrible anyhow.

What do most of these have in common? They tend to point out body parts and talk about sex. Also if you have to start a conversation with a caveat, that's bad, "Like, I look like a serial killer but I'm really a nice guy." These things are not going to win you any brownie points.

Here's the deal, if you don't look like Chase from the tv show House, you are going to have to be more respectful and tactful in order to get women to respond to you in a positive way.

I think it's important for guys to remember that getting hit on is often not fun for women. I think guys think that it'd be great if women hit on you...that's it's flattering, but it's not, especially if it's something disturbingly sexual like the ones I posted above. We generally don't want to be thought of as meat and especially if we're working, flirting is not really on our minds. Clubs might be a different thing, but when I'm at work, I'm here to do my job, not fend off weirdos.

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