Friday, September 3, 2010

hotties only date hotties?

Well this means doom for us nerds then. :P
But this post is regarding a new development on OkCupid, a free online dating website. Apparently as of this summer some people were lucky enough to receive an email telling you that according to the number of click throughs that you were in the top 50% of attractive people on OkCupid. As part of this elite group you were going to get matched with only other people in the top 50% of people.
Frankly, I'm rather insulted by this.
First I didn't get that email(!) and second b/c I think it's shallow to get matched by attractiveness. Yeah, we know that anecdotally usually people date within their own attractiveness levels but what about all those rich tech nerds who end up with model trophy wives? How will they meet now?
Article here at the Huffington Post.
I guess they'll have to contact the Millionaire Matchmaker...although she doesn't seem to be able to follow her own rules...
Anyhow, I'll try to do a follow up post on this topic at some point in the future.


Roman Scandal said...

I posted about this a while back. Ick, indeed.

geekgirl said...

seriously, it's just wrong. now i feel that i'm not pretty enough for their stupid standards and that's lame sauce.