Thursday, April 29, 2010

the nice guy

I've heard so many times about how guys complain that nice guys don't win. "Girls want bad boys". I don't think this is true. I think that girls who are worth it will want a nice guy. I think women who aren't mature and aren't really ready for a relationship might want bad boys, but do you want to be a relationship with that kind of drama?

This is an article about the disappearing nice guy and I think it's a real shame that I've literally heard some of my guy friends say that maybe they should become jerks so girls will like them more. B/c that's stupid, and second of all, nice guys are hard to come by. I think smart women will realise eventually that the bad boy is exciting but you can't convert them. They're going to be macho and cool but they might also be sexist and treat you like shit. Most tough guys don't have the souls of a poet...they're just meatheads. So nice guys out there, stick it out, a smart girl will find you.

Of course, relationships don't fall into your lap. Don't sit there and wait for someone to realise that you're awesome. Don't just wait for your female best friend to stop dating those jerks and realise that you're the best guy ever b/c unfortunately it's not like in the movies, and sometimes they don't... so do get out there and meet people and date. (There's a movie called Win a Date With Tad Hamilton! and yeah, that movie is sooo not I really don't like Kate Bosworth.)

Also, I think this the main trap for "nice guys". Guys confuse being nice with meek or like shy or even insecure. Women want nice guys but we also don't want a wallflower. One of the things that I always say is that you have to like yourself as a person and people will be more attracted to that confidence. Be nice but don't be a doormat. Having no opinions or letting the other person make all the decisions doesn't make you nice. Things like being considerate is what makes a person nice. Girls like considerate, girls don't want doormats (unless they literally like need a doormat for their door, in which case, they do.)

When you allow people to not take your opinions and feelings and time into account, you are giving them permission to treat you as less important. And you think it might make them like you more b/c they're getting what they want, but I think that really it just makes them respect you less and a successful relationship is based on respect too. If they don't respect you, it's not a real relationship. I dunno what it is, but it's not dating. It's like booty calls or whatever.

So girls, wise up and appreciate those nice guys out there and guys, grow a pair and show girls (not your pair but) that you're a great catch. And whatever you do, DO NOT BECOME JERKS. There are enough jerks out there, we don't need more.

Oh dude, if you think I'm harsh, this website like cuts to the bone. No wonder it's called Heartless Bitches International. but hey, it's not inaccurate!


mroozee said...

I find that picture of the "nice guy" disturbing.

geekgirl said...

I don't create the pictures, I just post them. :)

Bianca James said...

I find the genuinely nice guys don't have trouble finding dates.

The guys who whine about being single because they're "too nice" frequently aren't that nice, and are often guys who waste a lot of time pursuing the wrong women. Genuinely nice guys don't sit around complaining about how women don't want them- that's super unattractive!!!

geekgirl said...

Bianca, I agree, I think their definition of nice isn't really what nice means. :P

Unknown said...

hey I've started reading your blog! I agree with your analysis of "nice guys". Once you stop pining for your friend who will never date you and start treating yourself with more self respect and believing that you deserve someone who thinks you are awesome good things will happen

geekgirl said...

yay for reading my blog kartik!!! I think good things will definitely start happening when people get less whiny and emo. :)