Sunday, December 13, 2009

First (Offline) Contact (part 2)

Continued from yesterday!

Don’t interrogate them and bombard them with unaligned questions. A line of questioning that goes like, “What’s the name of your first pet? Do you like your job? What kind of car do you drive? Do you like Italian food?” will sound very aggressive and like you aren’t listening to the answers. Try to have a conversation that flows. This can be difficult especially if you’re nervous.

I know I often compare dating to job hunting and in many respects it’s very similar. In this case, think of it as an interview. You’re trying to found out information about the other party, you’re trying to present yourself in a positive but honest light, and you don’t want to be swearing up a storm b/c you don’t know the person very well.

On a last note, if you’re going to contact someone by text, don’t text them consistently. It’s probably a bit early for that kind of constant contact, so save that lolcats link for later.

Ok, I cannot keep up posting everyday.  So I’ll try to update at least twice a week! Otherwise I won’t have time to date! Haha…

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