Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How Do You Know You’re Barking Up the Wrong Tree

Or, Am I Getting Blown Off?

This happens to everybody, you meet someone, you think things are going great, and then all of a sudden, your calls aren’t being answered, your emails aren’t being responded too, and you got defriended on facebook. My friend, you have just been blown off.

Back in the day people had to ignore you to your face in order to dump you. You went to a community dance, the other person would snub you in person, and you’d know it was over. Or someone would tell you they were going steady with other people. Now with technology there are just that many more ways to get ignored.

Here are some warning signs that the person isn’t interested but just doesn’t have the guts to tell you.

1) Says they’ll contact you by a certain time but never do. This could be texts that never arrive, calls that never go through, stop by your workplace but just don’t have the time.
2) If they do eventually get back to you, and they tell you that they were crazy busy but they still want to hang out eventually but are really vague, be very cautious. B/c sometimes they are in the process of blowing you off.
3) If they tell you that they think you’re great and a lot of fun but their life is just really busy and they just want to be friends, that is a blow off.
4) They used to be nice but now when you talk to them they’re distant and kind of an a-hole. Having been the recipient of this behavior (you know who you are! *glare*) this is the act of a coward, and they want to break up with you but don’t have the guts to do so. So yeah, don’t stay with this kind of person b/c they aren’t mature enough to handle their or your feelings in a respectful way.

5) Unfriending or breaking via facebook or other social networks is probably the newest and most passive aggressive way to break up with someone. I think if you’re suddenly unfriended, then probably that’s a good (bad?) indication that they’ve lost interest.

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